Saturday, August 18, 2007

Imaginary Friends and Imaginary Trip

I have been tagged by Coco and my wife has been a constant irritation insisting that it is my duty to do my bit. Since most of the people that have been tagged dah cop kengkawan dia, I am forced to do a minor alteration to the original tag.

Here are my 5 imaginary friends that I will take to an imaginary trip to a tropical island :-

1. Maximus Decimus Meridius, "Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife".

2. Sebab kesian Maximus tak de kawan nanti, my 2nd imaginary friend will be Nate Berkus.


3. My choice of the 3rd person will be Nigella Lawson. I will always be well fed and there's always milk... hmm... muffin and milk ..

Source: naikanomtom

4. Paz Vega.... beautiful.

5. Ellie Arroway. Intelligent, fiesty, argumentative, opinionated, stubborn and a bit of a non-conformist.


Makji Esah said...

a typical man dream, eh? very the oedipus sangat..bab-bab supplier susu and muffin itu.

Unknown said...

Nate Berkus??? He´s gorgeous!!!! mak nak!!!! **matilaa kedaung!