Wednesday, September 02, 2009

My wife likes watching movies about ghosts but will never watch it alone. She will only watch it when I am around. Despite knowing in advance that ghost movies will leave her very afraid after the movie ends, she relishes watching any new ghost movies being churned out.

In a futile effort to ease her fears, I tried telling her that her fears of ghosts are irrational. Of course she refuse to even remotely entertain to discuss. Here are some issues that I couldn't quite square it with my understanding of how things work in the universe.

Everything in the universe obeys the same laws of physics, from the humble human to the super massive stars.

Visibility of Ghosts
The only way to be able to see ghosts is to assume that ghosts have mass, because sight is the ability to interpret information reaching our eyes. Normally when light hits a body of mass, some of it is absorbed and some of it bounces and scatters off the surface of the mass and reaches into the light receptors in the retina. Electrical signals send it to our brain to be interpreted and our experience in life tells us what is it that we are seeing.

That begs the question, death caused mass to decay. If the body has decayed what are ghosts ? Some movies like Poltergeist would have you believe that ghosts are energy. But energy is invisible and therefore on what does light bounces off ?

Ghosts Communicating
Lungs and the muscle of the chest and abdomen are instrumental breathing mechanics. The taking of air into the lungs serves as a supply mechanism. When air is continuously expelled from the lungs, the opening and closing of the vocal chords cause sound to be generated by the larynx.

If the body is six feet under, by what means does ghost manipulate their supposed bodily function to produce sound and speak ?

In the movie The Sixth Sense, we are asked to believe that the apparitions communicate with the living not through vocal sounds but through telepathy.

Our 5 senses are our main arsenal in making sense of the world we live in. We are not built to communicate "wirelessly" so to speak. Anything or anyone that plans to interact with the known physical world will have to obey physical laws.

There are 4 known forces that effect the physical world. In relation to macroscopic objects they are electromagnetism and gravity and for microscopic objects they are strong and weak nuclear forces. It is incomprehensible that electromagnetism and gravity play a role in efforts to communicate "wirelessly".

Going Pass Physical Barriers
It appears that in ghost movies, these transient beings walk through doors, walls and other physical barriers with ease.

That appears to violate Newton's laws of motion that states that a body at rest remains at rest until it is subjected to an external force and that for every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. If in the movies we see ghosts walk through doors and walls and that humans pass through ghosts it must also mean that ghosts cannot walk. To be able to walk, pressure need to be applied to the floor which would exert an equal and opposite reaction in return.

Don't get me wrong, i believe that at the end of our fingers lies a whole new world. It is just that stories about ghosts are just ... a little out there.

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